QuikTrip Gamechangers
In partnership with QuikTrip, this award honors students in grades Pre-K through 12th who have been nominated by their principal for showing the five Tiger Traits, which include Tenacity, Integrity, Gratitude, (high) Expectations and Respect.
Gameday Recognition Information
Your student will get in FREE to the game! Upon arrival, enter the main ticket gate at Memorial Stadium, and your child’s name will be on a pass list under QuikTrip Game Changers. Near the entrance, will be a QT Game Changer table, where you can stop and check-in to receive your child’s goody bag and certificate!
Field Access: At the end of halftime, please head to the SW/ “QuikTrip Corner” of the field (you will see signs). An athletic department representative will bring you & your child on the field at the very beginning of the 3rd quarter. The QT Game Changer presentation takes place during the 3rd quarter, very 1st time out!
Additional Tickets: may be purchased at the gate or at GoFan.
Parents & Guardians:
Notify your site principal no later than the Wednesday of the game week with your child’s intention to participate.
Upon entry to the stadium, locate the QT Game Changer table to check in and receive your certificate and gift from QT.
2024 Home Schedule:
08/30/2024 Friday | Springdale Har-Ber | 7:00pm | TENACITY
09/06/2024 Friday | Fayetteville | 7:00pm | INTEGRITY
10/04/2024 Friday | Yukon | 7:00pm | GRATITUDE
10/17/2024 Thursday | Norman North | 7:00pm | EXPECTATIONS (HIGH)
11/1/2024 Friday | Ed. Memorial | 7:00pm | RESPECT