Sports Medicine
The Broken Arrow High School Sports Medicine program consists of two parts: the Athletic Training Program and the Physician Clinic / Outreach Program.
Athletic Training Program
Under the direction of St. John Broken Arrow and Tulsa Bone and Joint, Head Athletic Trainer, Daniel Steward, supervises the Athletic Training Program for Broken Arrow Public Schools. He is under the guidance of Team Physician, Dr. John C. Balbas, MD.
The Athletic Training Program consists of a group of students who are assigned to specific sports teams and provide first aid to BAPS athletes. The Athletic Training Program requires a huge commitment, and students must be highly motivated and willing to put in long hours, as well as have a love for athletics and sports medicine.
In the Athletic Training Program, students will learn sports medicine, observe professional athletic trainers at work and help injured athletes with medicine and rehab. Students are expected to dedicate after school hours to the program and are required to accompany their assigned team to all team events. During football season, students are expected to stay until 6:00 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, and when traveling with a team, it is not unusual for students to return home after midnight.
Any students currently in grades 9th or 10th may apply to this program for their 6th hour class for the next school year. They must submit an application and will need to complete an interview process prior to being accepted into the program. The program requires a multi-year commitment, preferably a student’s entire high school career!
The student training application is due by March 31 of the preceding school year. The physical form is required to be filled out AFTER May 1st for the following school year and is valid until May 31st of the following year.
For more information about the Sports Medicine Program at BAHS, please contact Athletic Trainers Daniel Steward at or Grace Warren at
Physician Clinic / Outreach Program
Tulsa Bone and Joint is the official team physicians and sports medicine providers for Broken Arrow Public Schools. Broken Arrow High School is the only school in Oklahoma that has a doctor come to the campus once a week.
During the football season, Dr. John Balbas, M.D. comes three days a week (Tuesday, Friday games, and Saturday mornings). Dr. Keith Stanley, M.D. joins Dr. Balbas for the Friday night football games.
During the rest of the school year, Dr. Balbas comes every Wednesday at 1:45 p.m. to the campus to support the sport that is currently in season. However, any of our BAPS athletes, whether their sport is in season or not, is welcome to meet with Dr. Balbas.
It is the goal of the Tulsa Bone & Joint medical staff and the athletic trainer to get the athlete back to their sport or field of play the healthiest and quickest way possible.